Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Pride Master Inc.?


 #1 We strive to provide the highest possible level of quality service.

 * We use only the best supplies and equipment.

 * We use the proper equipment for every job.

 * We have a low turnover rate which means familiarity with  your facility and  improved service.

 * We don't cut corners;  you will get what you're paying for.  Everything done and done right

#2 We're setting new industry standards in the Dayton area.

* We are the only IWCA certified window cleaning company in the Dayton, Ohio area.

* We have never had a liability claim.

* We have never been cited by OSHA for a safety violation.

* We have never lost a customer to inadequate service.

* We have not had a BBB complaint in our 25 years on file.

#3  We are more customer oriented.

* Our customer communications is exceptional.

* Professional conduct and courtesy are prerequisites for our employees.

* We don't ask our customers to sign contracts,  our philosophy is;  if we provide a professional service, in a professional manner,  we'll retain your business anyway.  If  we don't;  we have no right to it. 

* Our employees are uniformed.

* Our employees are bonded.

* Every job is supervised.

* We use a net thirty days billing system with a fifteen day grace period for the benefit  of  customers who must re-route the invoice or credit card payment when preferred.

* We don't invoice until you sign off on the work.

* Our response time to special requests or problems is unbeatable.

 In short; we're everything you want and expect in a service contractor but seldom find.